
Ultimately, a transformational journey is required to move from the uncomfortable stuckness of where you are to the empowerment, fulfillment, and joy of where you want to be. Fortunately you have options for how to begin.

Saying Yes to What You Truly Want
(typically unfolds over a couple of sessions)

If you want a taste of what could be possible for you, start with Saying Yes to What You Truly Want, an illuminating exploration that reveals to you what is really going on, invites you to say yes to what you deeply desire for yourself, and prepares you for the journey ahead.

When you are caught in an unpleasant situation or disempowering pattern, the first thing you need is to clear the fog and find a new level of clarity so you can begin to move forward in a different way. This includes an inquiry into questions like:

  • What exactly is the unpleasant situation or disempowering pattern in which you find yourself?
  • How does it manifest in your life?
  • How does that feel?
  • What keeps you stuck in it?
  • What is it costing you to languish here?
  • How can you create what you really want instead?

Out of this exploration emerges essential insight into what is really going on below the surface, a map for creating a new possibility, and blessed hope.

Now you are ready to do the deeper work of releasing unhelpful patterns, becoming who you are meant to be, and creating what you truly want!

Becoming My True Self
(tends to run 7 to 9 months)

If you hunger for more than a taste and you are ready to go full-in for the change you want, proceed directly to the Becoming My True Self program:

This is the deep-dive, guided journey through the entire 7-step transformational process outlined above. While it is laid out as a flow of well-defined steps, it unfolds intuitively, is infused with a good dose of the mystery, and is completely unique to you.

Along the way, the process itself will deepen your relationship with the Universe, Spirit, God/Goddess, the Divine, Love, or whatever you call that which is so much larger than any of us. It will imbue you with a greater capacity to hear that Inspiration when it speaks to you, to recognize your own inner voice, to differentiate between them, and to take wise action in response.

Coming out of the cocoon on the other side, you will emerge feeling more authentic and true to yourself, plus clearer about how to prioritize your time and relationships. This new awareness will allow you to choose to spend time on the stuff that truly matters, including surrounding yourself with people who support and care for you. You will also deepen your relationships with yourself, with the many others who matter to you, and with the Divine.

Is this the kind of transformation that you are yearning for and feel you are ready for?

Either way, I invite you to have a complimentary conversation to see if I might be the right person to help you,
and if so, what might be the best way for you to get started.

Contact MeAnd we'll talk soon!

Ultimately, a transformational journey is required to move from the uncomfortable stuckness of where you are to the empowerment, fulfillment, and joy of where you want to be. Fortunately you have options for how to begin.

Saying Yes to What You Truly Want
(typically unfolds over a couple of sessions)
If you want a taste of what could be possible for you, start with Saying Yes to What You Truly Want, an illuminating exploration that reveals to you what is really going on, invites you to say yes to what you deeply desire for yourself, and prepares you for the journey ahead.
When you are caught in an unpleasant situation or disempowering pattern, the first thing you need is to clear the fog and find a new level of clarity so you can begin to move forward in a different way. This includes an inquiry into questions like:

What exactly is the unpleasant situation or disempowering pattern in which you find yourself?
How does it manifest in your life?
How does that feel?
What keeps you stuck in it?
What is it costing you to languish here?
How can you create what you really want instead?

Out of this exploration emerges essential insight into what is really going on below the surface, a map for creating a new possibility, and blessed hope.
Now you are ready to do the deeper work of releasing unhelpful patterns, becoming who you are meant to be, and creating what you truly want!

Becoming My True Self
(tends to run 7 to 9 months)
If you hunger for more than a taste and you are ready to go full-in for the change you want, proceed directly to the Becoming My True Self program:
This is the deep-dive, guided journey through the entire 7-step transformational process outlined above. While it is laid out as a flow of well-defined steps, it unfolds intuitively, is infused with a good dose of the mystery, and is completely unique to you.
Along the way, the process itself will deepen your relationship with the Universe, Spirit, God/Goddess, the Divine, Love, or whatever you call that which is so much larger than any of us. It will imbue you with a greater capacity to hear that Inspiration when it speaks to you, to recognize your own inner voice, to differentiate between them, and to take wise action in response.
Coming out of the cocoon on the other side, you will emerge feeling more authentic and true to yourself, plus clearer about how to prioritize your time and relationships. This new awareness will allow you to choose to spend time on the stuff that truly matters, including surrounding yourself with people who support and care for you. You will also deepen your relationships with yourself, with the many others who matter to you, and with the Divine.
Is this the kind of transformation that you are yearning for and feel you are ready for?

Either way, I invite you to have a complimentary conversation to see if I might be the right person to help you, and if so, what might be the best way for you to get started.

Contact MeAnd we’ll talk soon!